November 17th 22:00 Friday Night
2017 Baja California Sur:
SCORE Baja 1000 50th Anniversary Peninsula Off road race from Ensenada to La Paz:
I was waiting at a pit stop in the Vizcaino Desert for the Class 1 race car my son was going to co-ride in with Dale Ebberts. Our car didn’t make it to that stop but we were all ready to support anyone racing that needed help or repair. During the course of events that night somebody asked me to jump into the chase truck and grab some zip ties. The different-sized ties were in a container that was permanently affixed to the side of the truck so I just grabbed a handful. It was dark and windy at our pit stop and all I could do was set my handful of ties down on the table and hope they didn’t blow away or fall into the dark desert dirt.
I was thinking the smallest of things that are always needed, and in some cases make an important contribution to the outcome of many different situations, needed a better more accessible ready-to-use container.
After our return home from the race I started playing around with different configurations for vessels to hold the zip ties. With some input from my son and others, we made a prototype out of aluminum tubing that my son welded up. We started trying to epoxy magnets to it and eventually came up with the possibility of being able to make a mold and have the RZG pressed out of high impact Polypropylene.
The process has been an eye-opener when it comes to making a hardened steel mold that can press out a Ready-Zip-Go unit in less than 60 seconds. It took the experience of a master mold maker that is well known in the world of precision mold making. When NASA needs a complicated part they call Dean our mold maker.
Without his conceptual knowledge of how to develop the process of executing the construction and working of a mold that could produce a clean, well-dimensional product I would have been stalled in my quest.
So now after 16 months we can present to the public our envisioned and patented Magnetic Zip Tie Organization System… The Ready Zip Go / RZG